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Each country has created a logo for the Project. Then, we have put all the logos together in a creative way to create this collaborative Logo!!

The result is amazing, and each drawing complement each other:

- Iceland represents magic.

- Italy represents STEAM (Science)

- And Spain represents collaboration, friendship in eTwinning.

It's a pity that Bulgaria hasn't sent the logo...

Thank you partners for your collaboration and great job!! ;)

Hello from Spain!!

In our School we have learnt what a logo is, and we have used our imagination to create logos about our project!

Finally, two logos have been chosen (one in the First Course of Primary Education, and one in the Second Course of Primary Education)

We have put both of them together to create OUR LOGO!!

You can see our Logo bellow, and there is a gallery bellow with all the Logos too. 

We hope you like it!!

Lots of kisses!

Click on the image!


Click on the image!



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